Lesní pedagogika.cz


Working Group for Forest Pedagogy in the Czech Republic

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic established the Working Group in 2007 to coordinate forest pedagogy in the country, to support cooperation of organizations at national events, to administer forest pedagogics websites, to prepare seminars for forest educators, to promote forest pedagogy etc.

Members of the Working Group are representatives of forest organizations dealing with forest pedagogy. Coordinator of the Working Group is Forest Management Institute, Czech Republic.


Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

Forest Management Institute

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences

Secondary Forestry School Žlutice

Wood for Life Foundation, NGO

Forests of the Czech Republic, state enterprise

Military Forests and Farms of the Czech Republic, state enterprise

Czech Forestry Society, NGO

Association of Municipal and Private Forest Owners in the Czech Republic, NGO

Municipal Forests Prague

Association of Forest Pedagogues, Czech Republic, NGO

Forestry High School Hranice

