Market of Activities
Let´s make a wooden bench
Stanislav Polák, Nadace dřevo pro život (Wood for Life Foundation), Czech Republic
Participants will experience the final part of a day long programme for primary schools „Let’s go to the forest with a forester“. This activity includes working with wood – making a wooden bench.
Collection of tree species cones as a source of forest reproductive material
Radim Klíma, Forest Management Institute, Czech Republic
The aim of this activity is to introduce issues related to collection of seeds to participants. The activity presents various aspects of tree species seeds collection.
The three dimensions of ESD game
Dirk Schmechel, Bavarian State Institute of Forestry
Participants will play a game that visualize the three dimensions of sustainability in the forest – ecology, economy, social-cultural.
How to overcome the forest hurdle (barrier)?
Igor Viszlai, State Forest Enterprise of Slovak Republic
This activity is designed to help participants overcome the fear of the forest and its inhabitants. Participants will be challenged to overcome by various obstacles.
The human camera
Zsuzsanna Fajkuszné Bodrogi / Eszter Horváth, National Forestry Association / VADEX Forestry, Hungary
Most important part of the activity is the nature – participants will focus on the aesthetical value of forest.
Where is the bat?
Andreja Senegačnik, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Region unit Maribor
Participants will get to know forest gnomes and will find a bat. Through this story the importance of forest’s natural heritage is presented.
Animals tracks, very special memory game
Elke Sobota-Baisch, Forest Schools of the Berlin Forest Services, Jugend in Berliner Wäldern (JIBW) e. V., Germany
Animal tracks memory game represents a way to get to know the means of communication of forest inhabitants. Why is the forest so noisy one moment and absolutely quiet the next?