Forest of experiments
Saša Vochl, Špela Planinšek and Katarina Flajšman, Slovenian Forestry Institute
Forest of experiments brings together researchers, who are developing attractive approaches and ways to present and promote various aspects of forest and forestry.
Junior Forest Academy
Veronika Jaloviarová, National Forest Centre - Institute for Forest Consulting and Education, Slovakia
The project is implemented annually already for seven years. Primary school pupils attend a real university (Forestry Faculty of Technical University in Zvolen) throughout the school year. During the academy, they have lectures focused on various forestry topics.
Discover the forest through all (Sock's) senses - methodical toolkit for teachers
Jan Froněk, TEREZA, vzdělávací centrum, Czech Republic
Aimed for teachers of schoolkids aged 6-7, the Forest Sock in a form of a hand puppet is a little friend for every kid. The Sock wants to see the world and especially the forest. The project includes whole day expeditions as well as experiencing forest through the school year.
The student’s forest - a project through a year
Berthold Reichle, Haus des Waldes, Germany
Ninth graders are provided with a part of a learning forests. The area is then managed by the class under the guidance of experts of the Haus des Waldes. The students are not given any guidelines though.