Lesní pedagogika.cz



For planning the travel, you can use this map

To Czech Republic by plane

You are most likely to travel via Prague or Brno. In Prague is the Vaclav Havel Airport Prague (PRG), in Brno is the Brno Airport (BRQ, low-cost companies only). From both airports you can take a direct bus to respective Prague/Brno Main Railway Stations (in Czech “hlavní nádraží”). There are other airports such as Ostrava and Vienna, but the travel from these to the venue is longer and more difficult. Once you are on the Main Railway Station continue to Zdar nad Sazavou.

Note: Transport from Airport to Main Railway Station in Prague is by Airport Express, CZK 43, leaves every 30 min (xx:00 and xx:30). Transport from Airport to Main Railway Station in Brno is by E76, CZK 25, leaves every 30 min (xx:07 and xx:37).

To Czech Republic by train or bus

Go to Prague or Brno Main Railway Station and continue from there to Zdar nad Sazavou. In Prague, international busses usually go to Praha-Florenc, it is one station by subway from Main Railway Station (red line “C”, direction Háje, ticket for CZK 24). In Brno the bus stop is in walking distance (500 m) from the Main Railway Station.

From Prague/Brno to Zdar nad Sazavou

Once you are in Prague or Brno take a train. There are direct trains from both Prague and Brno Main Railway Stations. If you go from Prague, train goes in the direction to Brno and the other way round. Timetable, connection details and purchase of tickets can be found at https://www.cd.cz/default.htm

Note 1: There are two train routes between Prague and Brno, make sure the train has Zdar nad Sazavou in the “Via” area. Note 2: Please make sure you have your ticket before you board the train to avoid additional fees.

From Zdar nad Sazavou to the venue

Shuttle will be provided from the train station. Please mark your interest in the registration form. Later we will send to everyone interested times of departure of the shuttle.

Arriving by car

Go to Orea Resort Devět Skal, Milovy 11, Svratka. Most probably, you take the highway D1 to exit 119 (if going from Prague) or exit 162 (if going from Brno) or any other between these two.

